The Benefits of CBD for Dogs
Listen in as Rose Chastain, co-founder of Your Natural Healthcare answers the top 5 questions people are asking about CBD for dogs, figuring out the right dosage, and more!
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Some of the science-backed uses of CBD for dogs include:
Relieving pain. Several studies have shown that CBD can help relieve pain for dogs with arthritis. Though most of the research is focused specifically on arthritis, Sypniewski says that CBD may help with other chronic pain conditions as well.
Reducing seizures in dogs with epilepsy. Early studies show that when CBD is combined with standard seizure disorder treatments, dogs have significantly fewer seizures.
Lowering anxiety. Though there are no formal studies, many dog owners and vets claim that CBD can help ease anxiety in nervous dogs. This may be helpful in high stress situations like thunderstorms, car rides, fireworks, or trips to the vet.
The pet calming spray makes such a difference for our furry friends on 4th of July or any other firework occasion!
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