How Can CBD Help Me?
People ask us this question all the time. What can CBD help me with?
We usually rattle off the list of items: Sleep, anti-anxiety measures, anti-aging properties, immune booster and many more important health concerns.
The most important of all is our digestion. Without good digestion all of your health will suffer. The immune system and the brain are both stimulated & fed by digestion and gut health.
This makes digestion and the gut very important to care for and here is how CBD can help.
CBD Oil for Digestive Issues and Gut Health
One of the reasons great gut health is so intrinsic to overall health and prevention of chronic disease is its relationship to systemic inflammation.
An imbalanced microbiome combined with a compromised cellular lining means that food particles and toxins can get into our bloodstream. This alerts our immune system (70-80% of our immune system is housed in the gut) to set off an inflammatory response. It can cause skin issues including acne, eczema and rosacea, hormone imbalances, thyroid dysfunction, joint pain, brain fog, low energy and lack of libido.
CBD has been shown to modulate both acute and systemic inflammation. It does this by preventing the production of cytokines and interleukins (the proteins that signal to our immune system to set off an inflammatory response), resulting in therapeutic benefits for those suffering with IBS, colitis, gas, bloating and damage to the gut lining.
CBD is also great for digestive health because its cortisol lowering benefits help to prevent leaky gut or intestinal permeability. Cortisol is a catabolic hormone. It breaks down tissues in the body, and it has a hugely destructive effect on the one cell thick lining of our GI tract. Managing cortisol levels is one of the most important aspect of a well functioning digestive system.
CBD has also been shown to regulate appetite, which can be helpful if you suffer from bloating due to eating too much or too frequently (I recommend a minimum of 3-4 hours between meals and snack for efficient digestion and optimum gastric clearance), or if you struggle to eat enough due to stress around food and gut health.

How to Take CBD Oil for Better Gut Health and Digestion
- Start with the lowest dose and work your way up. Try taking four sprays of CBD Spray in the early evening on a daily basis. Consistency makes a difference in the effectiveness. If you would like more you can try twice a day (I take mine mid-morning and early evening).
- Take CBD when you experience digestion issues and stress-related symptoms. If you have eaten something that is causing cramps and bloating, or are having stress-related symptoms then try two sprays of CBD Spray to help ease your symptoms.
I typically take my CBD Spray sublingually (spraying two pumps underneath my tongue), holding it there for about a minute, swallowing, then chasing it with a glass of water.
There are numerous capillaries under the tongue which means the active ingredients are absorbed straight into the bloodstream, and do not have to go through a possibly compromised GI system, which would negate a lot of the positive benefits of taking CBD. Your Natural Healthcares CBD Spray mint flavor is perfect for sublingual use.
I also love to add CBD Spray to my morning coffee or afternoon matcha latte. You can even add it to your smoothies if you wish!

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