CBD Myths vs. Facts
Misinformation has been a powerful tool to advocate against CBD. This article is about some of the most common myths vs. the facts about CBD and the Endocannabinoid System. You will be armed with more knowledge about this plant and its uses to satisfy any uncertainty and properly use CBD.
The first myth vs. fact that we want to address is something we are asked often by people who really want an alternative to opioids for pain relief but they are afraid.

Myth: “CBD will get you high”
Fact: Unlike THC, which is psychoactive, CBD does not produce any kind of high, even when administered in very high doses. And even though CBD and THC both naturally occur in cannabis, they are very different compounds. THC induces a high or euphoric feeling and CBD will not get you high. Our CBD products use CBD isolate. What is that, you ask. CBD isolate is a method that separates CBD from plant material and other compounds such as THC. To make oils, tinctures, topicals, etc. free of THC, we use CBD Isolate in our products. To remove THC from our products, Your Natural Healthcare is always going above what is required . Therefore, not only will Your Natural Healthcares products not get you high, they will also not cause you to fail a THC drug test.

Myth: “CBD is illegal”
Fact: The 2018 Farm Bill legalized the production of hemp as an agricultural commodity and removed it from the list of controlled substances. And this means that CBD derived from hemp and not containing more than 0.3% THC is federally legal.
Myth: You can overdose on CBD.
Fact: The human body naturally produces CBD. Taken as a supplement, it helps support deficiencies in our body's endocannabinoid system. Even extremely high doses of CBD show no signs of toxicity in the body. There are no fatal cases from CBD use. Given this success rate it is important that people learn about CBD myths vs. facts.
CBD and the Endocannabinoid System:
The Endocannabinoid system (a network of receptors though out the entire human body) regulates many of our vital life functions such as mood, memory, appetite, sleep, pattern, pain sensation, cognitive function, immunity and many more. CBD binds to the receptors (CB1 & CB2) in the ECS to help promote homeostasis in the body. For a more in-depth study of the benefits of CBD read the study from Harvard found here.
Your Natural Healthcare's Products are THC free. All products have 99% CBD. Additionally, each product goes though a third-party lab testing to ensure you are receiving the safest and highest quality CBD Products. Give our products and try now and see the difference!
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